World University Rugby Invitational Tournament (WURIT)
WURIT is an international Rugby competition that brings together teams from top universities in the northern and southern hemispheres. The tournament is organised every four years in the country hosting the Rugby World Cup.
WURIT Bordeaux 2023 is the third such tournament, preceded by two others: the one organised in 2015 by the University of Oxford in England and the one organised in 2019 by the University of Waseda in Japan where the University of Bordeaux finished second.
For this 3rd tournament, the University of Bordeaux will also be hosting a women’s competition for the first time since the creation of the tournament.
Final ranking
Women's VII tournament
- Université de Bordeaux
- Nouvelle-Zélande
- Prétoria
- Séville
- Ile Maurice
- Mexico
Men's XV tournament
- Cape Town
- Université de Bordeaux
- Nouvelle-Zélande
- Atlantic Coast All Star, USA
- Sydney
- Colombie Britannique

See you from 21 to 28 September 2023
At the stadium on the University of Bordeaux Rocquencourt campus in Pessac (Gironde) where the following teams will compete:
- 8 men’s rugby union teams
- 6 women’s rugby 7s teams
Follow the WURIT on Youtube
Watch the matches live or in replay, and get closer to the action with the tournament diary
Bordeaux: an athletic university
- One of the major events at the University of Bordeaux in 2023
- 12 international universities hosted for 10 days, with the matches broadcast worldwide
sign up to play a sport every year
top- and high-level athletes
are provided with support
sports events
per year
sports campus sites
and about 20 facilities (new or undergoing complete renovation)
Get involved in the university scrum!
Become a WURIT partner, support university sports and join forces with the University of Bordeaux to develop the tournament through our sponsorship packages.