Final ranking
Women's VII tournament
- Université de Bordeaux
- Nouvelle-Zélande
- Prétoria
- Séville
- Ile Maurice
- Mexico
Men's XV tournament
- Cape Town
- Université de Bordeaux
- Nouvelle-Zélande
- Atlantic Coast All Star, USA
- Sydney
- Colombie Britannique

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Tournament highlights
- June: Sponsors/partners invited for presentation of team sponsorship
- August: presentation of the Bordeaux delegation jersey
- 18 September: arrival of the first delegations
- 20 September: function with clubs and partners
- 21 September: kick-off of men’s tournament and opening of the WURIT village
- 25 September: kick-off of the women’s tournament
- 26 - 28 September: “Rugby Data Science” scientific symposium
- 27 September: function with clubs and partners
- 28 September: final play-offs and closing ceremony